The Human Trait to Feel Heard It could be said that a great many Empaths experience mental health issues. The overload of emotional overwhelm through life experiences can eventually lead to mental health and addictive problems. We’re not taught how to express our emotions, even though most Empaths are highly expressive. What good is that […]
Understanding Empathy
Understanding Empathy, being highly sensitive really can knock an empath sideways, understanding the emotional energy you have is crucial, it’s not just about how you feel towards any given experience but what exactly is the emotion? Name it, describe it, acknowledge it, go into its wisdom and confront it. We feel so much energy, and […]
Empathy in The Workplace
Empathy in The Workplace 50% of businesses experience staff turnover costs due to lack of empathy coming from the management level. By Christel Broederlow I have been writing about empathy for nearly 20 years, it is the driving force behind everything I have ever done, and will ever do. I am currently writing my first […]
Telepathy – Reading Peoples Minds
We Read Peoples Mind’s More Often Than Not By Christel Broederlow Yes, it’s true, many of us read people’s minds on a regular basis without even realizing we are doing so. The closer the relationship the more frequent it occurs, it’s called Telepathy. It is when we know what is happening that a whole host […]
The Story of Empathy
The Story of Empathy The Story of Empathy No war is fought in Empathy No child, nor person is maimed in Empathy Relationships do not suffer in Empathy Life is not sacrificed in Empathy Money cannot buy Empathy, nor can it be traded Empathy is not taught, therefore we suffer needlessly When we embrace Empathy […]
Questions about Empathy…
Where to Start? Have you ever wondered what is empathy?What is the difference between empathy & sympathy?Who is an empath?What is the world like through the eyes of an empath?Is empathy a physical occurrence or something spiritual, or perhaps a mentality, a state of mind and/or being?Why do some consider empathy a blessing and yet […]
Harness the Power of Empathy
Empathy Key to Our Survival We all have the ability to be sensitive to people and the things they say and do (or lack thereof) and to our environment, not just our immediate surroundings but also on a global scale for what occurs internationally can have a direct impact on our own livelihoods such as […]
The Greatest Leaders are Born of Empathy
Leaders Born with Empathy In the workplace it is now believed that 50% of staff turnover occurs at the management level where the lack of empathy is now known to be the major contributing factor. Where team leaders do not show empathy towards team members possibly due to delivering a methodical and logical form of […]
Inherent within our DNA
EMPATHY IS INNATE EMPATHY IS INNATE; it is inherent within our DNA and is naturally of us as we are born with empathy. Many factors can determine the level of development, from whom we descend (our family tree) to how we are nurtured and raised, the culture and traditions imparted to us, education, society, communities […]
Empathy Origins
Fantasy or Fiction? Fantasy or Fiction? TV and Cinema first introduced the term empath through the character Spock from Star Trek who had the ability to sense people’s emotions and intent and generate healing among other things. Many other TV series have followed suit over the years, however in reality empathy is far from fantasy […]