Scanning, what is it?

By Christel Broederlow

Are scanning, sensing, empathy and intuition the same?
Are Scanning & Medical Intuition the same?
What is the big deal with asking for permission?
Are their ethical implications?

Scanning, what is it? Scanning, sensing, empathy and intuition appear too many to be one of the same, though this is not so.

Scanning is an ability to scan any given object and/or being for something specific, similar to the way an X-ray and or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is used.  An MRI ‘sweeps’ through the body of the patient looking for something specific and relaying the details back through the image retained.  Though where the term scanning is used in PSI/ Empath, it is the PSI/Empath (person) who is doing the actual scanning with controlled use of the mind.

PSI/Empath Scanning is a human ability to go ‘into’ the human psyche (and or anything) and find disease and/or an injury etc, by use of the mind, and mind alone and with no physical machinery and/or electronic equipment.  The mind is used similarly to an “x-ray” machine and is capable of seeing through flesh or bone and through to cells and molecules, the scope of understanding and knowledge is dependent on the scanner, for example their knowledge of the human anatomy and being able to verify what they see and the depth of control throughout the process.

I personally do not know of many that are able to scan, though without a doubt this is not a possibility, but a probability.  The implications for human scanners are high, the need to abide by a strict code of ethics – even more so.

Scanning and sensing are not the same.  Some PSI’s are able to scan with control, where as sensing is related to how empathy works.  Sensing is being able to sense another’s thought’s, emotions and/or physical ails.  An empath may likely not even know how sensing actually occurs and view it as a natural occurrence that they have little to no control over.

What is the difference between Scanning and Medical Intuition?

A Medical Intuitive uses intuition to guide them to where a disease or illness is within the human psyche.  Yet again other Intuitive’s are able to not only know where exactly it is, but even trace the source and/or the cause.  A Medical Intuitive generally works in the area of healing methodologies and are not necessarily a Medical Practitioner at all.  This person may have no personal background in Medicine, though is a ‘natural’ in sensing here.

A PSI “scanner” does not rely on sensing and intuition alone.  It is controlled knowing of the actual mechanics to scanning.  Going into the human psyche, and literally scanning for something specific.  A “scanner” does not need to know that something in particular even exists, but can do a ‘scan’ through the body to find if an illness etc is there at all.  A more experienced “scanner” may be able to determine what is going on inside the area by going even deeper.

A PSI “scanner” may however use intuition to guide them on what to do, if anything once ‘inside’.  An advanced PSI is not limited to scanning the human anatomy either.  The PSI “Scanner” may also be able to scan for thoughts and emotions within a person.  Trace an emotion to a thought/memory, and or scan for a particular thought/memory.

Empath’s can sense in varying areas, some more general (like sensing people empathically).  Some empath’s are able to sense a mechanical failure in cars, machinery, electronic equipment etc.  With a blend of intuition and sensing are able to ‘pick-up’ where a breakdown has occurred and pursue this area.  The more one ‘knows’ firsthand the equipment etc, the more one becomes ‘intune’ with it and can sense if something goes wrong.  After a quick exploration, they are generally right on target.

This is actually quite a broad area of sensing.  Mechanics, Maintenance Engineers etc.  I must point out here that this is not through obvious visual clues either.  The same principal applies with Doctors in the Medical field, using a blend of knowledge; intuition and empathy are guided with their patients, on diagnosis and treatment.  Also the more a doctor has a rapport with there patients, the more natural there empathy flows.

Is it really necessary to ask for permission prior to scanning someone?

If everyone understood what actually occurs in the scanning process, very few would be such willing candidates, and yet time and time again people put themselves in this position and in the hands of those willing to play cat and mouse with the contents of your mind.  How much information (memories, thoughts and life experiences) are you willing to disclose, when only the scanner knows what he/she is ‘seeing’, do you trust that person (the scanner) without question?

In sensing empathically and/or scanning another’s deepest thoughts/emotions that may very well be private and personal to that person comes with limitations, being able to scan (regardless of knowledge in this area) does not justify a right to do so.  There is an ethical duty of the scanner to be specific and clear of what is involved, and seeking permission for without it, an invasion of privacy is being carried out.

What kind of response would we get if we were to ask someone if we could read their Diary?  The likelihood of anyone passing over their Diary would be as slim as hen’s teeth, for the contents are often the most private and personal experiences of the owner, sacred even.  The Diary is a mere snapshot of a human mind, the latter is the library, the vault of our life and as such is heavily guarded by the majority of mankind.

It is our right to question a scanners intention or anyone with ‘abilities’.  There are unscrupulous people in all areas and walks of life who are more than willing to manipulate and control us, granted permission from no one else but ourselves.  The more we learn, the less willing we will be as guinea pigs.

What are the possible implications of being scanned by an inexperienced person?

  • The scanner gaining access to something that the candidate may not be ready to deal with.
  • Seeing something that may give the wrong ‘impression’ and the scanner misinterpreting this information back to the candidate, and/or jumping to conclusions.
  • Being judgmental or biased towards the candidate due to what is seen but not understood.
  • The scanner getting more than they bargained for and/or not having the experience to ‘let it go’, having the candidates ‘stuff’ become that of their own (when it was not in the first place).
  • Using what one has found in another as a form of self-manipulation and/or destructively.  For personal gain with little to no concern to what implications this can have for the person this info was taking from.
  • Creating harm whether intended or not, inexperienced and/or unethical intentions.
  • At first being objective, then taking what one finds and becoming subjective.  Not seeing the ‘big picture’, taking a portion and distorting it greatly.  Doing something without knowing what one is really doing (guessing, random hit & miss) and creating physical, mental, and or emotional pain to another.

The implications are very real, and for those who consider even partial to the above, would see, know, understand and apply ethics as vitally important to how one uses any ability, especially scanning.  Each person’s pursuit is marked by their intent, if in doubt, question or walk away.

This report was compiled with the guidance of my dear friend Jerry Breen, in the understanding of “scanning” – to whom I am most grateful.  Thank you Jerry for your patience and subtle manner in which you teach, for without your guidance and continual support it would likely take me that much longer.

Copyright © 2002 Christel Broederlow

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